Your digestive tract EFFECTS of all, the general health
This article explains the importance of a healthy digestive system (also known as "good") and will also help you find the relationship between the health of the whole body for the health of the colon.
We have all heard the old adage: "You are what you eat." Would be more accurate - but much less catchy! - To say: "You are only as healthy as what you eat, absorb, digest and expel." This means thatEssential that you do not sound so good, with a poor diet or a healthy digestive system.
Many people have difficulty, the connection between the digestive tract and overall health, as well as with other problems such as allergies, asthma, autoimmune disorders, headaches and migraines, chronic inflammatory diseases, including high cholesterol.
It 'easy, but understand why this link is very often ignored. The doctors do not talk about because theRelationship between digestion and health is not part of their training. In addition, physicians who specialize in diseases, not in the restoration of health. Diseases of the digestive system are a completely separate issue from knowing what a perfectly healthy digestive tract. In addition, most medical specialists in certain areas of the body, disease, and some areas of the body. Medical headaches sun or a lung specialist or rheumatologist knows a lot about the diseases in which they specialize, butnot a healthy digestion - or indigestion that can help to cause disease or much they are trying to deal with drugs and surgery are.
Although not gastroenterologists specialize in the health of the gastrointestinal tract. It will also focus on s, GI diseases of the digestive tract. The entire health care system is considered only drugs and surgery "royal treatment". Have you forgotten his Hippocratic medicine in the original command to Let "your food be your medicine and yourMedicine be thy food. "
UNDERSTANDING digestive tract
Your digestive tract is affected not only by diet but also by stress, drugs (usually your gut is not healthy) and other factors to determine changes in the way the digestive system works, and the amount of bacteria in the gut. The digestive tract is unique in all organs of the body has only the GI tract has its own separate system and tremendous immune system that are separate from, but interacts with the immune systemthe rest of the body, it has its own separate nervous system wide, interacts with the outside world (you eat), all the blood from the digestive tract is controlled and filtered by the liver before it enters the rest of your blood and the hosts digestive tract literally billions of bacteria that are essential to your health!
Because of the close relationship between the gastrointestinal tract and the bloodstream, is the condition of the digestive system, one of the most importantInfluences on health. Food if it contains toxic substances (like hormones in meat, pesticides in the production, mold leftover food, or if you swallow a poison) has the guts to tackle this - and if they are healthy, and these toxins are created in small quantities, is not too much of a problem. If the bacteria (known as "Flora") present in your gut for too many "bad" (called "hostile GI flora") has done and not enough "good guys" (so-called "friendly flora"), is capable of producing toxins from even the healthiestFood, and this can overload the liver's ability to neutralize toxins problem. Unfortunately, many people bring their liver by eating a poor diet, excessive dependence on drugs and not maintaining healthy GI flora (and in more than a few cases, drinking too much.)
There could be many, many ways that helps to improve the health of your digestive tract to reduce the symptoms that seem to have nothing to do with the digestive system. We try tobe examined.
Consider the case of someone who gets frequent headaches. We also say that this person is constipated - they only have a BM a few times a week. And, their diet is rich in a lot of milk and wheat (macaroni and cheese, pizza, cereal with milk) and probably meat (hot dogs, hamburgers and the like.)
The normal approach to solve this problem is to take an aspirin or a painkiller for headaches. However, there are many ways in which this person is unhealthy digestive systemIntestinal tract and constipation can help her, or that their headache problem.
How? Well, first, this person will not only feel safe - they are protected! This causes the liver that should resolve with more toxins from the digestive tract. This feeling of toxicity can definitely play a role in chronic headaches. If only some of these substances into the liver from the digestive tract, there is nothing wrong with that - it is normal. And this is what happens when aNormal person, regular bowel movements.
Constipation is healthy, but the feeling is bad too stressful! The stress of feeling lousy and worse headaches could be ensured. Remember, the more time it takes for food to pass through the digestive tract, absorb more toxins and your liver? After a lot of these waste products in the blood (if your liver can not handle them all at once) makes you feel terrible and tired and slow. A normal number of BMSvaries from person to person, but a healthy range is probably somewhere between one or two times a day. If your digestive system is slow and things are just sitting there, it's unhealthy. And the headaches could be a sign of an unhealthy to be good.
Instead of treating the symptom of headache with drugs, should have a more holistic approach to include a way to ensure that this person has the more regular bowel function. In this way we can find out if there is aRelationship between the problem of congestion and headaches.
First, because it is healthy, and try to help the digestive system, that person would have to cut way back on white flour, white rice, milk and meat, and eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes. What to get? The transition from a diet rich in "binding" foods rich in fiber to a diet of water and keeps you regular. As a side effect of this diet is higher in minerals and vitamins, and much less thansaturated fatty acids, which may help control cholesterol. The increased fiber helps nourish the friendly flora (bacteria) in the intestine, and healthy bacteria to fight bad bacteria (and yeast.) All this leads to more frequent bowel movements, so that eliminates the body is not efficient and toxins build up, and our friend with constipation and headache is probably much less of both!
If you ask yourself: "I thought you said it was important for the digestion!This is just a change of diet, "You're right -. But, diet is one of the most important ways to help digestion What are some other exercises, even in small amounts, helps digestion, some people choose to take additional fibers. ?. goes well until they are well out of your diet. smears with excessive consumption of alcohol, salt, fat and fried foods help the digestive function more smoothly. magnesium, a mineral that most people do not get enough of it, rather than a natural laxative action (and, if timeaccumulation can make your heart, nervous system and healthy musculoskeletal system.) Something as simple as eating slowly and chewing well is by far one of the best ways to improve your digestion!
The message of all is that the digestive system plays a role in almost all health conditions, and that the connection between a particular health problem, and the health of your digestive tract, may not be obvious. But you can almost never go wrongImproving the health of your gastrointestinal tract!
Improving the health of the digestive tract, but does not require expensive supplements or esoteric. Here are the simplest and most effective ways to improve your digestion:
Digestion in six easy steps
1) Do not eat when you are upset or under stress.
2) Do not eat too much to stop if you feel more than 80% of employment.
3) You chew your food well and eat slowly. This will help you avoid overeating, and helpsbreak your food, even before the belly. A minimum of 15 chews per mouthful is a starting point.
4) Make sure your diet contains plenty of foods derived from plants and close to their original state (minimally processed) vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes and nuts. These foods contain fiber important, and move things that help to nourish the healthy bacteria in the gut (not to mention that protects you from cancer and heart disease.) You canalso supplement your diet with fiber - I think the best source is organic flax seed powder.
5). Exercise! Even a little 'help. Walking is an ideal exercise. Also, try not to do too much. If you are not used to exercising, start with small steps. (On the other hand, you will probably have to do things. Try not to do too much, but too little does not help.)
6) supplement good bacteria in the gut by eating fat-free yogurt and a plain organic probioticSupplement containing Lactobacillus plantarum, L. salivarius and L. rhamnosus.
7) Drink plenty of water. Drinking enough water makes fiber in order to function properly, and is another way to avoid overeating. Soda, coffee, tea and alcohol do not count as water! Juice counts as half of the water. If you do not like water, try seltzer (carbonated water). And remember, the body 70% water, so you should try to find a similar way!
Remember, you can never go wrong doing the digestive tracthealthy!